PROGRAM MD IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*100 Buffer REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: PARTCOORDS REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: PARTFORCES REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: PARTACCELS REAL*8, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: PARTVELS INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: CellSizes INTEGER nCellRows,NCellCols,CellSize,NumIterations INTEGER nParticles,Dimension,nPartPerCell REAL*8 ran,centerx,centery REAL*8 rx1,ry1,rx,ry,r,rt REAL*8 TotPot,TotKin REAL*8 ARmass,AReps,ARsigma,CellDim REAL*8 timestart,timeend INTEGER nPartsPerCell,MAXPART,MINPART INTEGER TotalCells,TotSize INTEGER i,j,k,l,cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2,t INTEGER maxCellSize PARAMETER(CellDim=12.0) PARAMETER(NPartPerCell=10) PARAMETER(ARMass=39.948) IF(IARGC() < 2) THEN WRITE(6,*)"Incorrect syntax: should be two arguments" CALL EXIT(2) ENDIF CALL GETARG(1,Buffer) READ(Buffer,*)nParticles CALL GETARG(2,Buffer) READ(Buffer,*)NumIterations ! Lets Allocate the number of cells Dimension= int(Sqrt(NParticles/real(NPartPerCell))) TotalCells = Dimension**2 NCellRows = Dimension NCellCols = Dimension ALLOCATE(CellSizes(NCellCols,NCellRows)) CALL ComputeAtomsPerCell(CellSizes,NCellCols,NCellRows, $ NParticles,maxCellSize) WRITE(6,'(A,I6,A,I6,A,I6,A)')' The Total Number of Cells is ', $ TotalCells,' With ',maxCellSize,' particles per cell, and ', $ nParticles,' particles total in system' !OK, now we can allocate the Particle Matrix ALLOCATE(PARTCOORDS(2,maxCellSize,NCellCols,NCellRows)) ALLOCATE(PARTFORCES(2,maxCellSize,NCellCols,NCellRows)) ALLOCATE(PARTACCELS(2,maxCellSize,NCellCols,NCellRows)) ALLOCATE(PARTVELS(2,maxCellSize,NCellCols,NCellRows)) ! Zero all of the arrays !$omp parallel do DO i=1,NCellRows do j=1,NCellCols DO k=1,maxCellSize do l=1,2 PartCoords(l,k,j,i) = 0.0 PartForces(l,k,j,i) = 0.0 PartAccels(l,k,j,i) = 0.0 PartVels(l,k,j,i) = 0.0 enddo ENDDO enddo ENDDO !$omp end parallel do ! WE will be filling the cells, making sure than ! No atom is less than 4 Angstroms from another !$omp parallel do DO i = 1,NCellRows DO j = 1,NCellCols Centerx = CellDim*real(j) + 0.5*CellDim Centery = CellDim*real(i) + 0.5*CellDim call random_number(ran) PartCoords(1,1,j,i) = centerx+((ran-0.5)*(CellDim-2)) call random_number(ran) PartCoords(2,1,j,i) = centery+((ran-0.5)*(CellDim-2)) DO k=2,CellSizes(j,i) R=0 DO WHILE (R < 4.0) R=4.0001 call random_number(ran) RX1 = centerx+((ran-0.5)*(CellDim-2)) call random_number(ran) RY1 = centery+((ran-0.5)*(CellDim-2)) ! check to make sure it is far enough away from the ! others in the cell DO l=1,k-1 RX=RX1-PartCoords(1,l,j,i) RY=RY1-PartCoords(2,l,j,i) RT = RX**2+RY**2 IF(RT < R) THEN R=RT ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO PartCoords(1,k,j,i) = RX1 PartCoords(2,k,j,i) = RY1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$omp end parallel do CALL WallTime(timestart) ! Lets Start Iterating DO t=1,NumIterations ! Zero Energy variables TotPot = 0.0 TotKin = 0.0 ! Loop over Cells !$omp parallel do reduction(+:TotPot) DO CX1 = 1, NCellRows DO CY1 = 1,NCellCols ! Cells must be neighbors ! Let's do the ones within a cell first DO I=1,CellSizes(CY1,CX1) DO J=1,CellSizes(CY1,CX1) if( CALL INTERACT( $ PartCoords(1,j,cy1,cx1), $ PartCoords(2,j,cy1,cx1), $ PartCoords(1,i,cy1,cx1), $ PartCoords(2,i,cy1,cx1), $ PartForces(1,j,cy1,cx1), $ PartForces(2,j,cy1,cx1), $ CellSize,TotPot) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! Lets do the other cells DO CX2 = 1,NCellRows DO CY2 = 1,NCellCols if(((ABS(CX1-CX2) < 2).and.(ABS(CY1-CY2) < 2)).and. $ (( THEN DO i=1,CellSizes(CY2,CX2) DO j=1,CellSizes(CY1,CX1) CALL INTERACT( $ PartCoords(1,j,cy1,cx1), $ PartCoords(2,j,cy1,cx1), $ PartCoords(1,i,cy2,cx2), $ PartCoords(2,i,cy2,cx2), $ PartForces(1,j,cy1,cx1), $ PartForces(2,j,cy1,cx1), $ CellDim,TotPot) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$omp end parallel do ! Now apply the forces to integrate to new positions !$omp parallel do reduction(+:TotKin) DO CX1=1,NCellRows DO CY1=1,NCellCols DO I=1,CellSizes(CY1,CX1) CALL UPDATE( $ PARTFORCES(1,i,cy1,cx1), $ PARTFORCES(2,i,cy1,cx1), $ PARTACCELS(1,i,cy1,cx1), $ PARTACCELS(2,i,cy1,cx1), $ PARTVELS(1,i,cy1,cx1), $ PARTVELS(2,i,cy1,cx1), $ PARTCOORDS(1,i,cy1,cx1), $ PARTCOORDS(2,i,cy1,cx1), $ ARMass,TotKin) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO !$omp end parallel do WRITE(6,'(A,I10,A,E20.10,A)')'Iteration ',t, $ ' with Total Energy',(TotKin+TotPot)/NParticles $ ,' Per Particle' ENDDO CALL WallTime(timeend) WRITE(6,'(A,F20.10)')'The Iteration Time is ',timeend-timestart DEALLOCATE(PARTCOORDS) DEALLOCATE(PARTFORCES) DEALLOCATE(PARTACCELS) DEALLOCATE(PARTVELS) DEALLOCATE(CellSizes) END PROGRAM SUBROUTINE INTERACT(x1,y1,x2,y2,fx,fy,CS,TP) IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8 x1,y1,x2,y2,fx,fy REAL*8 rx,ry,r,f,Sig6,Sig12 REAL*8 AReps,ARsigma,TP INTEGER CS PARAMETER(AReps=119.8) PARAMETER(ARsigma=3.405) Rx=x1-x2 Ry=y1-y2 R=Rx*Rx+Ry*Ry IF((R < 0.00000001))THEN R=0.0 fx=0.0 fy=0.0 RETURN ENDIF R = SQRT(R) !Derivative of the potential Sig6 = (ARsigma/R)**6 Sig12 = Sig6**2 F = ((Sig12 - 0.5*Sig6)*48.0*AReps)/R Fx = FX + F*(RX) Fy = FY + F*(RY) TP = TP + 4.0*AReps*(Sig12-Sig6) RETURN END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE UPDATE(FX,FY,AX,AY,VX,VY,X,Y,MASS,TK) REAL*8 FX,FY,AX,AY,VX,VY,X,Y REAL*8 TP,TK,TE REAL*8 DT REAL*8 MASS ! We are using a 1.0 fs timestep, this is the conversion factor DT=0.000911633 AX = FX/MASS AY = FY/MASS !Update Velocities VX = VX + 0.5*DT*AX VY = VY + 0.5*DT*AY !Update Positions X = X + DT*VX Y = Y + DT*VY !Update Energy TK = TK + 0.5*MASS*(VX**2+VY**2) FX = 0.0 FY = 0.0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE ComputeAtomsPerCell(CellSizes,NCols,NRows, $ NParts,maxCellSize) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER nCols,nRows,maxCellSize,nParts INTEGER CellSizes(NCols,NRows) INTEGER nPartsPerCell INTEGER molsum,i,j PARAMETER(nPartsPerCell=10) maxCellSize = nPartsPerCell DO i=1,NRows DO j=1,NCols CellSizes(j,i) = nPartsPerCell ENDDO ENDDO molsum = NRows*NCols*NPartsPerCell !Diivy up the rest of the atoms amongst the cells if(molsum < NParts) THEN 10 maxCellSize = maxCellSize + 1 Do i=1,NRows DO j=1,NCols CellSizes(j,i) = CellSizes(j,i) + 1 molsum = molsum + 1 if(molsum >=nParts) Then RETURN ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO if(molsum < nParts) then goto 10 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE subroutine WallTime(t) implicit none real*8 t integer t0, tr, tm call system_clock(t0, tr, tm) t = dble(t0)/dble(tr) return end