#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const double ARmass = 39.948; //A.U.s const double ARsigma = 3.405; // Angstroms const double AReps = 119.8; // Kelvins const double CellDim = 12.0; // Angstroms const int NPartPerCell = 10; double WallTime(void); //vector > ComputeAtomsPerCell(int,int,int,int); using namespace std; // Class for keeping track of the properties for a particle class Particle{ public: double x; // position in x axis double y; // position in y axis double fx; // total forces on x axis double fy; // total forces on y axis double ax; // acceleration on x axis double ay; // acceleration on y axis double vx; // velocity on x axis double vy; // velocity on y axis // Default constructor Particle() : x(0.0),y(0.0),fx(0.0),fy(0.0),ax(0.0), ay(0.0),vx(0.0),vy(0.0){ } double update(){ // We are using a 1.0 fs timestep, this is converted double DT = 0.000911633; ax = fx/ARmass; ay = fy/ARmass; vx += ax*0.5*DT; vy += ay*0.5*DT; x += DT*vx; y += DT*vy; fx = 0.0; fy = 0.0; return 0.5*ARmass*(vx*vx+vy*vy); } }; class Cell { public: vector particles; Cell(int x, int y, int nParticles) : particles(nParticles){ // We will be filling the cells, making sure than // No atom is less than 2 Angstroms from another double rcelldim = double(CellDim); double centerx = rcelldim*double(x) + 0.5*rcelldim; double centery = rcelldim*double(y) + 0.5*rcelldim; // Randomly initialize particles to be some distance // from the center of the square // place first atom in cell particles[0].x = centerx + ((drand48()-0.5)*(CellDim-2)); particles[0].y = centery + ((drand48()-0.5)*(CellDim-2)); double r,rx,ry; for (int i = 1; i < particles.size(); i++) { r = 0; while(r < 4.0) { // square of 2 r = 4.00001; rx = centerx + ((drand48()-0.5)*(CellDim-2)); ry = centery + ((drand48()-0.5)*(CellDim-2)); //loop over all other current atoms for(int j = 0; j= NParts) { return max; } } } } return max; } int main(int argc,char* argv[]){ // Get Command Line Arguments if(argc!=3){ cerr << "Incorrect syntax: should be two arguments"; exit(2); } int NumParticles = atoi(argv[1]); int NumIterations = atoi(argv[2]); int Dimension = int(sqrt(NumParticles/double(NPartPerCell))); int TotalCells = Dimension*Dimension; int NCellRows = Dimension; int NCellCols = Dimension; int MaxCellSize; int **CellSizes = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int*)*NCellRows); for(int i=0;i > cells(NCellRows); #pragma omp parallel for for (int i = 0; i < NCellRows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < NCellCols; j++) { cells[i].push_back(Cell(i,j,CellSizes[i][j])); } } double TimeStart = WallTime(); for (int t = 0; t < NumIterations; t++) { // For each timestep double TotPot=0.0; double TotKin=0.0; // For each cell... #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:TotPot) for (int cx1 = 0; cx1 < NCellRows; cx1++) { for (int cy1 = 0; cy1 < NCellCols; cy1++) { // Consider interactions between particles within the cell for (int i = 0; i < cells[cx1][cy1].particles.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cells[cx1][cy1].particles.size(); j++) { if(i!=j) TotPot += interact(cells[cx1][cy1].particles[i], cells[cx1][cy1].particles[j]); } } // Consider each other cell... for (int cx2 = 0; cx2 < NCellRows; cx2++) { for (int cy2 = 0; cy2 < NCellCols; cy2++) { // if condition is true if cell[cy1][cy2] is neighbor (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W, or NW) of cell[cx1][cy1] if ((abs(cx1-cx2) < 2) && (abs(cy1-cy2) < 2) && (cx1 != cx2 || cy1 != cy2)) { // Consider all interactions between particles for (int i = 0; i < cells[cx1][cy1].particles.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cells[cx2][cy2].particles.size(); j++) { TotPot += interact(cells[cx1][cy1].particles[i], cells[cx2][cy2].particles[j]); } } } } } } } // End iteration over cells // Apply the accumulated forces; update accelerations, velocities, positions #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:TotKin) for (int cx1 = 0; cx1 < NCellRows; cx1++) { for (int cy1 = 0; cy1 < NCellCols; cy1++) { for(int i=0; i < cells[cx1][cy1].particles.size(); i++) { TotKin += cells[cx1][cy1].particles[i].update(); } } } printf("\nIteration#%d with Total Energy %e per Atom", t,(TotPot+TotKin)/NumParticles); } // iterate time steps double TimeEnd = WallTime(); cout << "\nTime for " << NumIterations << " is "<< TimeEnd-TimeStart; return 0; } // A Simple timer for measuring the walltime double WallTime(void){ static long zsec =0; static long zusec = 0; double esec; struct timeval tp; struct timezone tzp; gettimeofday(&tp, &tzp); if(zsec ==0) zsec = tp.tv_sec; if(zusec==0) zusec = tp.tv_usec; esec = (tp.tv_sec-zsec)+(tp.tv_usec-zusec)*0.000001; return esec; }