Getting Started on FutureGrid

FutureGrid is an NSF funded testbed for new network, middleware and application development. It is described in a recent talk and supports Grids, Clouds and parallel computing. FutureGrid is part of TeraGrid but allocated separately at present; for those interested in using FutureGrid after course, students should ask their faculty advisor to apply at link on first page of FutureGrid web site. FutureGrid will offer several images including basic MapReduce, Cloud (Eucalyptus, Nimbus, KVM, Xen) and ordinary O/S (Windows, Linux) versions.

We expect course accounts on FutureGrid will be valid for 3 weeks to allow students to explore issues raised in course in a little more detail.

Useful commands on FutureGrid machine:
  • qsub -I <=> to get a individual FutureGrid machine
  • hostname <=> to get the node number (e.g. i140, s10, where 140 and 10 are node number) after using "qsub -I"
The node name will be used for montoring Hadoop or open multiple command line windows:
  • For user login from where X is the node number. e.g.

  • For user login from where X is the node number. e.g.

  • Open multiple command line windows::