Software Requirements

All participants are expected to bring their own laptop to Summer School.

Client Software Requirements

The following client software may be required on your laptop system:
  • An SSH client is required. Windows and UNIX users can download the PuTTY SSH client from
The following software is not required, but may be useful to have on your system:
  • An SFTP client (to transfer files to a remote system)
  • A text editor (to edit code)
  • A PDF reader (to read documentation)

Local Installation

The software required to do the labs is already installed on FutureGrid, so on-site participants need not install anything further on their laptops. Online participants may wish to install the following software stack, which is available for any Linux system (RedHat or Ubuntu):

Basic software requirements:
  1. Sun JDK 1.6 or above
  2. Blast Program and related DB
  3. lynx
For Hadoop:
  1. Hadoop 0.20.2
  2. Hadoop-WordCount associated with Hadoop 0.20.2
  3. Hadoop-Blast associated with Hadoop 0.20.2
For Twister:
  1. Twister
  2. NaradaBrokering
  3. Twister-WordCount associated with Twister
  4. Twister-Blast associated with Twister
  5. Twister-Kmeans associated with Twister