Search Function
How Does the Search Function Work?
Typing in key words into the search box will return matches for each of the key words entered. For example, if “parallel architectures” is entered into the search box, the results will contain matches to parallel and matches to architecture.
How Does the Advanced Filter Options Work?
The Advanced Filter refines searches to return results more in line with what the user has in mind. The filters include education level, type of media, format, audience, and also includes a hierarchy of key terms. For the hierarchy, the filters add an “and” logical condition to the search based on the hierarchy to narrow down the choices. Note: in order to clear the hierarchy selection click Browse above “About the HPC University Resources Page”.
Below are examples of how to use the Advanced Filter to narrow down the search.
Examples of Advanced Filter
Examples of Filtering by Education Level
Examples of Filtering by Type
Example of Filtering by Format
Example of Filtering by Audience
Example of Using the Key Terms Hierarchy