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May 2016 — June 2016

Supercomputing LHC Experiments with Titan (Jun 1, 2016)
University of Texas at Arlington physicists are preparing the Titan supercomputer at Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility in Tennessee to support the analysis of data generated from the quadrillions of proton collisions expected during this season’s Large Hadron Collider particle physics experiments. The LHC is the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, located at the European Organization for Nuclear Research or CERN near Geneva in Switzerland. The new collaboration will allow scien...
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16-Year-Old is Teaching the World to Code (May 31, 2016)
High school junior Moksh Jawa is only 16 years old, but thousands of people around the world are turning to him to learn a valuable skill: coding. Jawa, the author of "Decoding AP Computer Science A: For a High Schooler, By a High Schooler," is also the self-taught brains behind a free online computer course that has 4,000 students enrolled. His 114-lecture online course, rated 4.5 stars by his students, all started because Jawa was willing to persist toward his goal, he said. Though his parents...
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Genomics Research Powers Up with New Supercomputer (May 31, 2016)
The Genome Analysis Centre in Norwich has invested in what it believes is game changing capability to boost international genomics research. TGAC’s new supercomputing platform gives the research Institute access to the next-generation of SGI UV technology for genomics. It leverages the world’s largest SGI® UV™ 300 installation for Life Sciences. The extra capability enables TGAC researchers to store, categorize and analyze more genomic data in less time for decoding living systems and ans...
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Computer Science Students Fooled by Artificially Intelligent TA (May 30, 2016)
Students taking an online course at Georgia Tech’s School of Interactive Computing were duped into thinking one of their teaching assistants, named Jill Watson, was an actual human. And how can you blame them—the virtual TA managed to answer many of their questions with 97 percent certainty. The students were not told anything about their virtual TA until April 26th. When the news broke, the response was overwhelmingly positive. The course was called Knowledge Based Artificial Intelligence, ...
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Computer Science Education Being Added in Virginia Schools (May 30, 2016)
Computer Science education will be added into K-12 classrooms. Virginia is one of the first states to add this kind of education. The bill, delivered by a robot and signed by Governor Terry McAuliffe, adds computer science into math and science Standards of Learning. Now it goes to the Virginia Board of Education, who will make decisions about what will be added with input from teachers, parents, non-profits, like CODE VA, and businesses. “Our students have to learn these computer-adaptive co...
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Japan Unveils Details of 25 PFLOPS Machine to be Operational in December 2016 (May 29, 2016)
The Joint Center for Advanced High Performance Computing (JCAHPC) in Japan today released the details of its next generation supercomputer – Oakforest-PACS – which will deliver 25 PFLOPS, use Intel’s Xeon Phi (Knights Landing) manycore processors and Omni-Path Architecture, be built by Fujitsu, and be operational in December 2016. When fired up, the Oakforest-PACS will be the fastest supercomputer system in Japan for the moment. Twenty-five PFLOPS would have taken the second spot on the TO...
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70 Years On, Supercomputing Helping Clean Up Manhattan Project Waste (May 29, 2016)
More than seven decades after the end of WWII, radioactive waste from the Manhattan Project is still awaiting cleanup. Progress at sites around the country—the largest is Hanford in southeastern Washington—has been slow, costly and plagued with problems. Cleaning up radioactive waste is incredibly complicated. Now a coalition of scientists is using GPU-accelerated supercomputing to better understand the radioactive materials inside storage tanks and find safe, inexpensive ways to remove and ...
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Cracking the Code: How Computer Science Can Change Lives (May 28, 2016)
Coding may be the new educational buzzword, but how can schools teach computer science in a meaningful way when their resources are already stretched to the max? At "Ready, Set, Code: The New Essential Skill" – a breakout session of the U.S. News STEM Solutions Conference in Baltimore on Wednesday – four experts spoke about the challenges they face in making coding and computational thought an integral part of K-12 curriculae, and to instill an interest in STEM that lasts long after the scho...
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How Can Theoretical Computer Science Inform Neuroscience? (May 28, 2016)
Today, there’s a thriving interaction between TCS and physics (mostly centered around quantum computing, but also around, for example, phase transitions in random constraint satisfaction problems). There’s also a thriving interaction between TCS and economics (e.g., combinatorial auction design, computational game theory), and a third thriving interaction between TCS and biology (DNA sequencing algorithms, phylogenetic tree reconstruction, inferring gene regulatory networks…). Meanwhile, t...
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The Wide World of E-Sports (May 27, 2016)
I played a lot of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty online when it launched. And by that I mean a lot. As a result, I inevitably drifted into watching streams of other players competing in order to improve my own game. I even remember having my favorite casters, Husky and TotalBiscuit, in addition to following Team Liquid. Eventually I stopped playing as much, and even stopped following the e-sports scene. However, this period only marked the very beginning of the professional e-sports industry. Tw...
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Advance May Make Quantum Computing More Practical (May 27, 2016)
Quantum computers are largely hypothetical devices that could perform some calculations much more rapidly than conventional computers can. They exploit a property called superposition, which describes a quantum particle's counterintuitive ability to, in some sense, inhabit more than one physical state at the same time. But superposition is fragile, and finding ways to preserve it is one of the chief obstacles to developing large, general-purpose quantum computers. In today's Nature, MIT research...
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How Will Virtual Reality Change Our Lives? (May 26, 2016)
Virtual Reality (VR) has been with us for many decades - at least as an idea - but the technology has now come of age. And it's not just gamers who are benefiting from the immersive possibilities it offers. Four experts, including Mark Bolas - former tutor of Palmer Luckey, who recently hand-delivered the first VR handset made by his company Oculus Rift - talked to the BBC World Service Inquiry programme about the future of VR.

Dartmouth Contest Shows Computers Aren't Such Good Poets (May 26, 2016)
Computers are pretty good at stocking shelves and operating cars, but are not so great at writing poetry. Scientists in a Dartmouth College competition reached that conclusion after designing artificial intelligence algorithms that could produce sonnets. Judges compared the results with poems written by humans to see if they could tell the difference. In every instance, the judges were able to find the sonnet produced by a computer program. The yearlong competition was a variation of the "Turing...
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Animal Training Techniques Teach Robots New Tricks (May 25, 2016)
Researchers at Washington State University are using ideas from animal training to help non-expert users teach robots how to do desired tasks. The researchers recently presented their work at the international Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems conference. As robots become more pervasive in society, humans will want them to do chores like cleaning house or cooking. But to get a robot started on a task, people who aren't computer programmers will have to give it instructions. "We want every...
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The Rise Of APIs (May 25, 2016)
It’s been almost five years since we heard that “software is eating the world.” The number of SaaS applications has exploded and there is a rising wave of software innovation in the area of APIs that provide critical connective tissue and increasingly important functionality. There has been a proliferation of third-party API companies, which is fundamentally changing the dynamics of how software is created and brought to market. The application programming interface (API) has been a key pa...
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Who's Watching Me On The Internet? (May 24, 2016)
Around 40 million UK adults – 78% of us – go online every day or almost every day. By posting on social media, booking tickets or buying a DVD, we add to the 2.3 billion gigabytes of internet data created daily. The data trail we leave on our online journey says much about our habits and our tastes. This information is, of course, much in demand. The benefits of analyzing personal data are becoming clear and many interested parties are already busy doing it. But should we try to cover our fo...
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Privacy Fears: Panel Has Advice For Drone Operators (May 24, 2016)
A panel of privacy experts and technology companies organized by the Obama administration has issued guidelines for using drones without being overly intrusive. The suggestions are voluntary, but some business interests involved in the debate hope the guidelines head off tougher regulations that they fear could smother the drone industry in its infancy. News organizations are exempt from the guidelines on free-press grounds. Supporters say drones could provide huge benefits, from inspecting powe...
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Startups to Congress: Strong Data Security Keeps Us Competitive (May 23, 2016)
Twilio recently had the opportunity to meet with members of Congress and their staff who have taken on the difficult task of balancing security and privacy. We were struck by the sincere desire to understand how actions proposed by those in Washington impact smaller technology businesses. It’s been clear to us for some time that, in order to get the full picture, Congress needs to hear from tech companies at all stages of growth; we were encouraged to see that realization dawning on the Hill, ...
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Tech Companies Are Dominated By So Many White Dudes, New Data Shows (May 23, 2016)
White dudes are disproportionately represented all across the United States work force, and there is even less diversity among jobs that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission labels "high tech." In a report released by the EEOC following a Wednesday hearing on tech sector diversity, the commission outlined 2014 stats that show people employed in "high tech sector" jobs are whiter and more male than the average private industry job. In the tech sector, which the report defines as "industri...
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Solar Impulse Plane Lands in Dayton from Oklahoma (May 22, 2016)
A solar-powered plane landed in Dayton, Ohio on the latest leg of a record-breaking trip to circle the globe without consuming a drop of fuel. Solar Impulse 2, piloted by Swiss businessman Andre Borschberg, arrived at 9:56 pm at Dayton International Airport after a flight from Tulsa, Oklahoma that lasted a 16 hours and 34 minutes, a live video feed showed. "Amazing to have landed in #Dayton after being in the sky for 17 hours!" Borschberg tweeted. The slow-moving, single-seat plane with the wing...
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Using Static Electricity, Microrobots Can Land and Stick to Surfaces (May 22, 2016)
The RoboBee, pioneered at the Harvard Microrobotics Lab, uses an electrode patch and a foam mount that absorbs shock. The entire mechanism weighs 13.4 mg, bringing the total weight of the robot to about 100mg -- similar to the weight of a real bee. The robot takes off and flies normally. When the electrode patch is supplied with a charge, it can stick to almost any surface, from glass to wood to a leaf. To detach, the power supply is simply switched off. In a recent article in Science, Harvard r...
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Finding the next new tech material: The computational hunt for the weird and unusual (May 21, 2016)
Scientists at U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory are turning to the world of computation to guide their search for the next new material. Their program uses software code developed to map and predict the distinct structural, electronic, magnetic stable and metastable features that are often the source of an advanced material's unique capabilities.

Crowd-Augmented Cognition (May 21, 2016)
Crowdsourcing has brought us Wikipedia and ways to understand how HIV proteins fold. It also provides an increasingly effective means for teams to write software, perform research or accomplish small repetitive digital tasks. However, most tasks have proven resistant to distributed labor, at least without a central organizer. As in the case of Wikipedia, their success often relies on the efforts of a small cadre of dedicated volunteers. If these individuals move on, the project becomes difficult...
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New Method of Producing Random Numbers Could Improve Cybersecurity (May 20, 2016)
With an advance that one cryptography expert called a "masterpiece," University of Texas at Austin computer scientists have developed a new method for producing truly random numbers, a breakthrough that could be used to encrypt data, make electronic voting more secure, conduct statistically significant polls and more accurately simulate complex systems such as Earth's climate. The new method creates truly random numbers with less computational effort than other methods, which could facilitate si...
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The Tao of “The DAO” or: How the Autonomous Corporation is Already Here (May 20, 2016)
A new paradigm of economic cooperation is underway — a digital democratization of business. Over the past couple of weeks a project with no mainstream press has become the second biggest crowdfunding project in history. It’s not crowdfunding a product, an artwork or a new cryptocurrency. It’s crowdfunding — or more accurately, crowd-founding — a corporation called “The DAO.” This is a corporation whose bylaws are written entirely in code.

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