Monday December 14, 2015
Your challenge is to use MPI to parallelize a program that models Langton's Ant.
You are provided with starter code in the "Langton's Ant in MPI starter zip file" below. Your challenge is to add MPI function calls such that the tasks of turning the ants, updating the cells, and moving the ants are each handled in parallel; i.e. each MPI process is responsible for a subset of the cells and/or ants. Processes should send messages to each other to synchronize data about the cells and ants. Only one process should give the ants random positions. Also, only one process should run the X11 and ASCII visualizations. When the program is run, its ASCII output should be identical to the ASCII output provided when the starter code is run without MPI.
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Challenge Resources:
Langton's Ant in MPI solution zip file
zip file containing solution code for the "Langton's Ant in MPI" challenge problem in C.
Langton's Ant in MPI starter zip file
zip file containing starter code for the "Langton's Ant in MPI" challenge problem in C.
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