Monday May 6, 2013
This problem challenges you to discover algorithm(s) to simplify and solve a well defined logic puzzle, given that for a contest lasting only a few hours, a brute force algorithm could take days of run-time to complete.
This problem is inspired by Project Euler 185:
This problem is like the Project Euler problem, except instead of numbers, lowercase letters are used. The integer following each sequence of 15 letters reflects the number of correct letters in the correct position.
You are given this list of test patterns:
whatanswersbein 3
ithecareemplore 3
befreedjustlike 0
howsailoronceto 2
windsaidfreedom 1
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0
naryawordharmed 2
viaourmakingall 2
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0
patternsofgreat 2
worthneedseento 1
beelsefriendnot 0
willtimebetoyou 0
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0
abandonnohopeor 1
startyounotthis 1
taskofmindheart 1
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0
sphinxofblackqu 2
artzjudgemyvowq 1
uickzephyrsblow 0
vexingdaftjimpa 1
ckmyboxwithfive 0
dozenliquorjugs 1
wequicklyseized 0
theblackaxleand 2
justsaveditfrom 1
goingpasthimthe 2
quickbrownfoxju 0
mpsoveralazydog 1
This problem could have 0, just 1, or possibly many solutions. Your job is to find the solutions.
This problem is like the Project Euler problem, except instead of numbers, lowercase letters are used. The integer following each sequence of 15 letters reflects the number of correct letters in the correct position.
You are given this list of test patterns:
whatanswersbein 3
ithecareemplore 3
befreedjustlike 0
howsailoronceto 2
windsaidfreedom 1
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0
naryawordharmed 2
viaourmakingall 2
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0
patternsofgreat 2
worthneedseento 1
beelsefriendnot 0
willtimebetoyou 0
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0
abandonnohopeor 1
startyounotthis 1
taskofmindheart 1
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 0
sphinxofblackqu 2
artzjudgemyvowq 1
uickzephyrsblow 0
vexingdaftjimpa 1
ckmyboxwithfive 0
dozenliquorjugs 1
wequicklyseized 0
theblackaxleand 2
justsaveditfrom 1
goingpasthimthe 2
quickbrownfoxju 0
mpsoveralazydog 1
This problem could have 0, just 1, or possibly many solutions. Your job is to find the solutions.
Show solution
Challenge Resources:
Secret Message Makefile
Makefile for Secret Message C code.
Secret Message input file
Input file for the Secret Message C code.
Secret Message C code
C code for a solution to the Secret Message problem.
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