February 2020 — April 2022
Wildfires Alter Air Pollution Patterns Across North America (Apr 20, 2022)
Researchers from the National Center for Atmospheric Research use Supercomputer to study impact of wildfires on air pollution in North America
SDSC Collaboration Produces First Map of Topographic Change at Statewide Scale (Mar 23, 2022)
Scientists with the OpenTopography Facility study changes to the Earth's surface over time, and used SDSC resources to process large volumes of data to create a statewide map of topographic changes.
COVID-19 in the Classroom: Simulating the Spread (Feb 28, 2022)
A team led by Rao Kotamarthi at the US DOE's Argonne National Laboratory is using supercomputers at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL to study how aerosol viral particles are distributed in a ventilated classroom.
PEARC22 in Boston this Summer (Feb 3, 2022)
Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing conference series is taking place this summer in Boston! Click the link to learn about how to get involved.
CWRU scientists, artists develop art algorithm that can distinguish different painters' brush strokes (Dec 27, 2021)
A group of scientists and art historians at Case Western Reserve University have used AI to analyze the 3D topography of a painting to differentiate between artists
Solar Power Research Enlists US’s and Europe’s Most Powerful Supercomputers (Dec 22, 2021)
A team of scientists are using supercomputers to gain a better understanding of the fundamental processes that could boost solar panel efficiency in the future.
Apply to the Advanced Computing for Social Change Institute (Dec 15, 2021)
Apply to take part in the Advanced Computing for Social Change Institute before the February 21 deadline!
XSEDE Garners Multiple 2021 HPCwire Editors’ Choice Awards (Nov 18, 2021)
Funded by the National Science Foundation, XSEDE’s EMPOWER program, led by Shodor Education, was recognized for Workforce Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Award. Additionally, XSEDE was honored for Best Use of HPC in Response to Societal Plights.
Innovative Chip Paves Road to Supercomputer of the Future (Nov 3, 2021)
By simultaneously operating multiple spin qubits on the same quantum chip, quantum physicists at the University of Copenhagen overcame a key obstacle on the road to the supercomputer of the future.
TACC’S ECEP Team Wins $3.5M NSF Grant to Fund Equity in Computing Education (Oct 20, 2021)
This NSF grant will be used by the ECEP team to build state-level capacity to develop, advocate for, implement, and measure equity-explicit, state-initiated policies designed to broaden participation in K-12 computing.
TACC's Stampede2 HPC Simulations Reveal How Cells Regulate Themselves (Oct 12, 2021)
Detailed HPC simulations reveal how protein and enzymes bind inside cells which could help researchers understand diseases
San Diego Supercomputer Center Takes a Lead in Fighting Fires Proactively (Sep 28, 2021)
A team of researchers from multiple institutions developed a new decision support platform, BurnPro3D, to help the fire response and mitigation community understand risks and tradeoffs quickly and accurately so that they can more effectively manage wildfires or conduct controlled burns.
Scientists gain better understanding of icy plumes associated with violent tornadoes (Sep 15, 2021)
Supercomputer simulations help scientists at University of Wisconsin-Madison learn more about weather phenomena called above anvil cirrus plumes and their relationship to climate change.
Supercomputing, ORNL Software to Power Digital Twins for Millions of Buildings (Sep 2, 2021)
Researchers at ORNL leveraged supercomputing to create digital twins of millions of buildings in the US. This research will identify useful information regarding energy use and how to combat climate change.
Supercomputer Simulates Tiny Robots with Better Directability, Maneuverability (Sep 2, 2021)
XSEDE supercomputing allocations allow scientists to test tiny robot designs
Supercomputer Simulation Reveals Galaxy Development Over 13.8 Billion Years (Aug 30, 2021)
Using a supercomputer, researchers at Lund University have created a high-resolution simulation of a galaxy's development since the Big Bang. Image Source: Lund University
Supercomputers Help Reveal Dynamic Plastic Eating Duo (Aug 6, 2021)
Scientists utilize XSEDE supercomputing resources to run molecular dynamics simulations to study plastic degrading enzymes.
Oak Ridge Supercomputer Enables Next-Gen Jet Turbine Research (Jul 29, 2021)
Oak Ridge supercomputer allows for more accurate jet engine turbine testing which leads to more efficient and eco-friendly transportation.
Supercomputer-Generated Models Provide Better Understanding of Esophageal Disorders (Jul 26, 2021)
Northwestern University researchers utilize supercomputing to develop FluoroMech, a computational modeling system that uses markers of esophageal health to predict potential esophageal pathologies in patients.
ExaWind Prepares for New Architectures, Bigger Simulations (Jul 20, 2021)
DOE sponsored project, ExaWind, utilizes HPC to create detailed simulations which take into account factors as large as weather systems and as small as turbine blade design to harness as much wind energy as possible.
How HPC is Shaking Up Modeling of Mysterious Earthquakes (Jul 20, 2021)
High performance computing is helping seismologists understand why and how mysterious earthquakes occur - one step closer to predicting earthquakes.
High-Performance Computing, Ecology Experts Team Up to Ease Study of Wildlife Movements (Jul 14, 2021)
Ecology and technology researchers collaborated to create the Spatial Ecology Gateway (SEG). SEG allows ecologists to upload GPS tracking data and develop in depth 2D or 3D models to show home ranges of animals.
Flyception 2.0: New Imaging Technology Tracks Complex Social Behavior (Feb 5, 2020)
Scientists at the University of California San Diego have a much clearer idea thanks to the evolution of an advanced imaging system designed to record ultra-precise brain activities in flies. Called "Flyception" when it was announced in 2016 as a system that could record freely walking flies, the new "Flyception2" employs a more advanced tracking and recording system that allows flies to move about uninhibited, allowing researchers to study brain activities during intricate behaviors.
The Most Human Algorithm (Feb 5, 2020)
It is now possible to predict who the best candidate for receiving an organ transplant is, know whether clients of a bank will return the loans they request, choose the films that best coincide with the interests of consumers, or even select someone's ideal partner.
Living Robots Built Using Frog Cells (Feb 4, 2020)
A book is made of wood. But it is not a tree. The dead cells have been repurposed to serve another need. Now a team of scientists has repurposed living cells -- scraped from frog embryos -- and assembled them into entirely new life-forms. These millimeter-wide "xenobots" can move toward a target, perhaps pick up a payload (like a medicine that needs to be carried to a specific place inside a patient) -- and heal themselves after being cut.
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