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High Performance Computing for NextGen Sequence Analysis
Submitter: William McGrath
Submitter's Institution: TACC
Submission Date: 2014-11-03
Description: TACC
This one-day workshop is intended to introduce life scientists to high performance computing at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) with a specific emphasis on NextGen Sequence analysis. Attendees will learn how to utilize an array of computational and software resources that TACC offers for Computational Biology. Topics to be covered include large-scale computing, data management, loading and running applications. An introduction to general sequence analysis concepts along with specific, real-world examples will also be provided. A hands-on lab session will give attendees an opportunity to work with TACC systems on NextGen sequence data sets. The class is intended for biologists and advanced programming skills are not required. However, a working knowledge of Unix is expected.
Submitter's Institution: TACC
Submission Date: 2014-11-03
Description: TACC
This one-day workshop is intended to introduce life scientists to high performance computing at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) with a specific emphasis on NextGen Sequence analysis. Attendees will learn how to utilize an array of computational and software resources that TACC offers for Computational Biology. Topics to be covered include large-scale computing, data management, loading and running applications. An introduction to general sequence analysis concepts along with specific, real-world examples will also be provided. A hands-on lab session will give attendees an opportunity to work with TACC systems on NextGen sequence data sets. The class is intended for biologists and advanced programming skills are not required. However, a working knowledge of Unix is expected.
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