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Introduction to Information Visualization
Submitter: William McGrath
Submitter's Institution: TACC
Submission Date: 2016-01-22
Description: TACC
Prerequisites: Linux
Users will receive instructions on the use of remote visualization software to visualize data sets generated on systems such as Ranger. A review of the scientific visualization process will precede an overview of the visualization software available to TACC users, including the parallel visualization software VisIt and Paraview. Labs will provide students with the opportunity to prepare data sets to be visualized using these applications. In addition, attendees will be introduced to the Longhorn visualization portal.
Submitter's Institution: TACC
Submission Date: 2016-01-22
Description: TACC
Prerequisites: Linux
Users will receive instructions on the use of remote visualization software to visualize data sets generated on systems such as Ranger. A review of the scientific visualization process will precede an overview of the visualization software available to TACC users, including the parallel visualization software VisIt and Paraview. Labs will provide students with the opportunity to prepare data sets to be visualized using these applications. In addition, attendees will be introduced to the Longhorn visualization portal.
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