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Introduction to TACC's Visualization Laboratory
Submitter: William McGrath
Submitter's Institution: TACC
Submission Date: 2014-11-21
Description: TACC
The ACES Visualization Laboratory ("Vislab"), located in ACES 2.404a, has been refurbished and upgraded, and is now open to all UT faculty, students, and staff, as well as UT System and XSEDE users. In order to activate your account on systems in the Vislab, a training session is required. Previous Vislab users (before renovation) are also required to attend the training as we have a completely different set of equipment. All Vislab training is held in the lab itself.
Submitter's Institution: TACC
Submission Date: 2014-11-21
Description: TACC
The ACES Visualization Laboratory ("Vislab"), located in ACES 2.404a, has been refurbished and upgraded, and is now open to all UT faculty, students, and staff, as well as UT System and XSEDE users. In order to activate your account on systems in the Vislab, a training session is required. Previous Vislab users (before renovation) are also required to attend the training as we have a completely different set of equipment. All Vislab training is held in the lab itself.
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