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MPI Advanced Topics
Submitter: William McGrath
Submitter's Institution: Cornell
Submission Date: 2014-10-29
Description: Cornell Virtual Workshop
Prerequisites: MPI Basics, C, Fortran
This module will introduce you to some of the advanced capabilities of MPI beyond ordinary message passing, including how to customize your environment in the following areas: derived datatypes; groups of processes and their associated communicators; virtual topologies among processes; and parallel I/O using MPI-IO. Application to specific architectures such as Stampede will be discussed.
Submitter's Institution: Cornell
Submission Date: 2014-10-29
Description: Cornell Virtual Workshop
Prerequisites: MPI Basics, C, Fortran
This module will introduce you to some of the advanced capabilities of MPI beyond ordinary message passing, including how to customize your environment in the following areas: derived datatypes; groups of processes and their associated communicators; virtual topologies among processes; and parallel I/O using MPI-IO. Application to specific architectures such as Stampede will be discussed.
Cornell Virtual Workshop
Cornell Virtual Workshop Training Materials
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Cornell Virtual Workshop
Cornell Virtual Workshop Training Materials
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