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Using the Lustre Files System
Submitter: William McGrath
Submitter's Institution: NCSA
Submission Date: 2014-10-29
Description: NCSA - CI Tutor
Prerequisites: Parallel programming
Lustre is an object-based, parallel distributed file system that enables scaling to a large number of nodes (tens of thousands), petabytes (PB) of storage, and high aggregate throughput (hundreds of gigabytes per second). This tutorial describes how to use Lustre to achieve optimal I/O performance in a parallel programming application.
Submitter's Institution: NCSA
Submission Date: 2014-10-29
Description: NCSA - CI Tutor
Prerequisites: Parallel programming
Lustre is an object-based, parallel distributed file system that enables scaling to a large number of nodes (tens of thousands), petabytes (PB) of storage, and high aggregate throughput (hundreds of gigabytes per second). This tutorial describes how to use Lustre to achieve optimal I/O performance in a parallel programming application.
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