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Introduction to Xeon Phi on Stampede
Submitter: John Lockman III, Advanced Scien
Submitter's Institution:
Submission Date: 2014-01-16
Description: This is an introductory workshop on Xeon Phi. What is Xeon Phi. Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture or Intel MIC is a multiprocessor computer architecture developed by Intel incorporating earlier work on the Larrabee many core architecture, the Teraflops Research Chip multicore chip research project, and the Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer multicore microprocessor..\r\n
Submitter's Institution:
Submission Date: 2014-01-16
Description: This is an introductory workshop on Xeon Phi. What is Xeon Phi. Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture or Intel MIC is a multiprocessor computer architecture developed by Intel incorporating earlier work on the Larrabee many core architecture, the Teraflops Research Chip multicore chip research project, and the Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer multicore microprocessor..\r\n
- Lab1_User_Env_Stampede.pdf
Lab 1
- MIC_Symmetric.pdf
MIC Symmetric Lab
- MIC_Native_Lab.pdf
MIC Native Lab
- MIC_offload_slide.pdf
MIC Offload Slides
- MIC-Intro.pdf
MIC Introduction
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- Lab 1
- MIC Symmetric Lab
- MIC Native Lab
- MIC Offload Slides
- MIC Introduction
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