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Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area Computer Science (ACCA-CS) Fall 2015 Seminar/Workshop
Submitter: Aaron Weeden
Submitter's Institution: The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.
Submission Date: 2016-01-15
Description: Every fall the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area (ACCA) computer science division offers a seminar series centered on a topic. This year the topic centered on the general topics of High Performance Computing and Parallel Thinking. Often, part of every series is a collection of webinars relevant to the topic. This year Shodor and Elmhurst College hosted, via Adobe Connect, 5 webinars (September 16, October 7/14/21/28, 2015) of one hour each to train students from ACCA on topics related to parallel computing, specifically focusing on programming technologies available on the Blue Waters supercomputer such as OpenMP, MPI, OpenACC, and CUDA. A forest fire simulation problem was used as a common theme and parallel algorithms were implemented using the above-mentioned parallel models of computations using C and related libraries.
Instructions for obtaining an education allocation on Blue Waters are available here:
Submitter's Institution: The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.
Submission Date: 2016-01-15
Description: Every fall the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area (ACCA) computer science division offers a seminar series centered on a topic. This year the topic centered on the general topics of High Performance Computing and Parallel Thinking. Often, part of every series is a collection of webinars relevant to the topic. This year Shodor and Elmhurst College hosted, via Adobe Connect, 5 webinars (September 16, October 7/14/21/28, 2015) of one hour each to train students from ACCA on topics related to parallel computing, specifically focusing on programming technologies available on the Blue Waters supercomputer such as OpenMP, MPI, OpenACC, and CUDA. A forest fire simulation problem was used as a common theme and parallel algorithms were implemented using the above-mentioned parallel models of computations using C and related libraries.
Instructions for obtaining an education allocation on Blue Waters are available here:
Webinar 1 - Parallel Thinking: the Gateway to High Performance Computing, presented by Dr. Robert M. Panoff
- ABlueWatersUsageGuide.pdf
A guide for using the Blue Waters system to read and work through before Webinar 2.
- ParallelComputingAndOpenMP-TerminologyAndExamples.pdf
Slides to read before Webinar 2
Code for Webinars 2-4 - Forest fire model in serial, OpenMP, MPI, OpenACC, CUDA, and hybrid MPI+OpenMP
Webinar 2 - An OpenMP Exercise on Blue Waters, presented by Aaron Weeden
- AnOpenMPExerciseOnBlueWaters.pdf
Exercise document for Webinar 2
- OpenMPFireModel-FlowchartOfFiles.pdf
Flowchart of files for OpenMP fire model
- diff-serial-omp.htm
Document showing differences between serial and OpenMP codes for the fire model
- MPI-TerminologyAndExamples.pdf
Slides to read before Webinar 3
Webinar 3 - An MPI Exercise on Blue Waters, presented by Aaron Weeden
- AnMPIExerciseOnBlueWaters.pdf
Exercise document for Webinar 3
- MPIFireModel-FlowchartOfFiles.pdf
Flowchart of files for MPI fire model
- diff-serial-mpi.htm
Document showing differences between serial and MPI codes for the fire model
- GPGPU-TerminologyAndExamples.pdf
Slides to read before Webinar 4
Webinar 4 - A GPGPU Exercise on Blue Waters, presented by Aaron Weeden
- AGPGPUExerciseOnBlueWaters.pdf
Exercise document for Webinar 4
- OpenACCFireModel-FlowchartOfFiles.pdf
Flowchart of files for OpenACC fire model
- diff-serial-acc.htm
Document showing differences between serial and OpenACC codes for the fire model
- CUDAFireModel-FlowchartOfFiles.pdf
Flowchart of files for CUDA fire model
- diff-serial-cuda.htm
Document showing differences between serial and CUDA codes for the fire model
- diff-acc-cuda.htm
Document showing differences between OpenACC and CUDA codes for the fire model
Webinar 5 - Presentations from Blue Waters Student Internship Program students and further exploration on Blue Waters, presented by Max Collins, Colleen Heinemann, and Mobeen Ludin
- ComputingPiOnBlueWaters.pdf
Exercise document for further exploration using a different application, approximating the value of pi
Code for pi application
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- Webinar 1 - Parallel Thinking: the Gateway to High Performance Computing, presented by Dr. Robert M. Panoff
- A guide for using the Blue Waters system to read and work through before Webinar 2.
- Slides to read before Webinar 2
- Code for Webinars 2-4 - Forest fire model in serial, OpenMP, MPI, OpenACC, CUDA, and hybrid MPI+OpenMP
- Webinar 2 - An OpenMP Exercise on Blue Waters, presented by Aaron Weeden
- Exercise document for Webinar 2
- Flowchart of files for OpenMP fire model
- Document showing differences between serial and OpenMP codes for the fire model
- Slides to read before Webinar 3
- Webinar 3 - An MPI Exercise on Blue Waters, presented by Aaron Weeden
- Exercise document for Webinar 3
- Flowchart of files for MPI fire model
- Document showing differences between serial and MPI codes for the fire model
- Slides to read before Webinar 4
- Webinar 4 - A GPGPU Exercise on Blue Waters, presented by Aaron Weeden
- Exercise document for Webinar 4
- Flowchart of files for OpenACC fire model
- Document showing differences between serial and OpenACC codes for the fire model
- Flowchart of files for CUDA fire model
- Document showing differences between serial and CUDA codes for the fire model
- Document showing differences between OpenACC and CUDA codes for the fire model
- Webinar 5 - Presentations from Blue Waters Student Internship Program students and further exploration on Blue Waters, presented by Max Collins, Colleen Heinemann, and Mobeen Ludin
- Exercise document for further exploration using a different application, approximating the value of pi
- Code for pi application
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